Greenbelt 2019

Greenbelt 2019 was wonderful time of glorious weather, great company and an amazing God.

Over the bank holiday weekend 20+ folk from St Paul Old Ford camped out under the stars and experienced some interesting speakers, live music, arts, culture, port-a-loos and of course lots of sun. With speakers such as Nadia Bolz-Weber, The Archbishop of Canterbury and Russell Brand there was a challenging and varied line up. We enjoyed the Jesus Arms and the Blue Nun, lots of live music, great acts for children and families and some time to simply rest and be together. A huge thanks to all who came, to Dan for the kids food and to our wonderful van drivers!

This was our second year of going to Greenbelt as a church and we’re already planning for Greenbelt 2020.

To find out more email or speak to one of the folk who came along this year.

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