Lent 2021: St Paul Old Ford needs your Lenten prayers and readings

Lent starts on 17 February, and we want to put a prayer for each day of Lent on the St Paul’s website and in the weekly email newsletter.  So we want you, the good people of St Paul Old Ford, to send us a prayer.

This could be: 

  • a favourite prayer
  • a prayer that you or your family write
  • a prayer including the themes for this year’s Lent, which are: exile, loss, anger, relationship, growth, forgiveness, peace, transformation and new life

Please send your prayers to them to Rev. April april@stpauloldford.com.

We would also like to share videos of reflective readings every day for the 40 days of Lent. The readings are from a new book written this year by London bishops. We would like different people in the church to do a video recording and send it to us, so we can have one for each day of Lent. Anybody who wants to watch the daily readings will get a link emailed to them so they can watch the video. 

If you would like to submit a video reading, please contact Rev. Dave dave@stpauloldford.com 

Please also email Dave if you want to receive an email with the link to the daily reading.

We need as many prayers and readings as possible in the next two weeks, so we can get them all ready to go out each day of Lent. So please get in touch! 

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