Licensing service for Rev Darius Weithers: 7 October 2021
On 7 October 2021, we will be having the licensing service for the Rev. Darius Weithers. This is the service where Darius becomes the new vicar of St Paul Old Ford.
We’re very excited about this event, because we’ve been without a vicar since James left just before Christmas last year, and we’re very grateful that God has led Darius to us to become our new vicar.
This service will not be like a normal St Paul’s service, neither in the order of service, nor in who will be there. The service will be led by the Rev Dr Joanne Grenfell, Bishop of Stepney. There will be a lot of Darius’s family and friends, as well as representatives from the Diocese of London, local clergy from Bow, and other representatives from the local community.
There will also be people from the St Paul’s congregation there too, but because we have limited space in the church, this isn’t one that we can fit everybody into. If you want to come, do let us know and please sign up at Eventbrite. But you will also be able to stream the service here, and on our YouTube channel.
We will however be having a full St Paul’s celebration on Sunday (10 October) at Darius’s first service as our vicar. We’ll give him a proper welcome then, and we’ll be having lunch together afterwards. Watch out for more information about this on the website soon.
You can download the order of service if you want to follow it on the stream.
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