Sunday service 9 October 2022: 17th Sunday after Trinity
Join us in worship at our service on the 17th Sunday after Trinity.
We’re continuing Bring Your Own Bible, our sermon series for ordinary time. We’re now into the fourth part of BYOB, ‘Back to school’, where we will explore lessons from Jesus in the sermon on the mount. This week the service will be lesson 5: judging others, from Matthew 7, verses 1 to 6.
This week we have a guest preacher, Rev Dean Pusey, who is a curate at Holy Trinity Church in Aldershot, Hampshire. We look forward to welcoming him, and hearing what God will say to us through him.
If you’re not able to come in person, you can watch the service live at 10:30am on YouTube below. If you can’t watch it live, the recording will stay on our YouTube channel and you can watch it any time.
We will be having guest preachers for the rest of October. They will be:
16 October: Dr Grace F Bally Balogun
23 October: Rev Denis Adide
30 October: Rev Shana Maloney